A Program

”A program is decisions made. Humans make those decisions and write them into programs.” (Ward Cunningham)

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Data Are Accreting

“Data/facts are not in any way dynamic (they are accreting, that’s all)” (Rich Hickey)

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“Design — the interaction between understanding and creation” (T. Winograd, F. Flores)

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Forth is simply not powerful enough

“In fact, you shouldn’t write any serious application in Forth; as a language it’s simply not powerful enough. What you should do is write your own language in Forth to model your understanding of the problem, in which you can elegantly describe its solution.” (Leo Brodie) After Lisp, here comes another lousy language.

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The masters

“It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics one should study the masters and not the pupils.” (N.H. Abel)

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